Before going to the emergency room

1. What to do before consulting

You can contact Info-Santé or Info-Social at any time by calling 811.

Visit the digital GAP to be directed towards the appropriate health service to meet your need.

Your CLSC is there for you (dressing changes, morning-after pill, bereavement, nutrition, rehabilitation services, etc.).

What your pharmacist can do for you (adjusting medication doses, monitoring treatments, health advice, etc.)

2. What to do if your condition is not urgent, but a consultation is necessary 

If you have a family physician or nurse practitioner specializing in primary care

Call your FMG, medical clinic, or CLSC for a response to your need. 

Find a FMG, a medical clinic or a CLSC neerby

If you do not have a family doctor

Join Gap Estrie

3. What to do if it's an emergency

If your life is in danger or your condition is serious enough to require immediate attention, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency room.


Important | It is important to show up for your appointment!

Although hospitals have resorted to some offloading, many activities and appointments are being maintained unless otherwise indicated (in outpatient clinics, for example). If you have not been notified that your appointment has been cancelled, it is still scheduled. Thank you for showing up; it's your health that counts!

Learn more

Services de santé et services sociaux de première ligne | Gouvernement du Québec
