
Not feeling well? 

A counsellor can meet with you and help you find ways to feel better: emotional and psychological health, relationships with your family and loved ones, physical and sexual health, problems such as addictions, etc.

* Starting at the age of 14, you can consult a health professional and your medical file confidentially.

Call your CLSC

Need to talk now? 

Call an Info-Social counsellor by dialing 811, option 2 (24 hours a day, 365 days a year)

It's confidential and free.

Another service

Aire ouverte Estrie: global health services (physical, sexual and mental health, lifestyle habits, relationships, emotions, life projects, etc.), bulletin boards posting activities (tools, readings, podcasts, tips and tricks) suggested by the team partners, as well as a Help section by theme. 

Visit Aire ouverte Estrie web page

Help resources at your school

There are resources at your school to help you too. If needed, ask a teacher to refer you or talk directly to one of the student services workers such as a psychoeducator, a social worker, or the school nurse.

Role of the school nurse

Listening, support and advice on various subjects:

  • healthy lifestyle - nutrition, sleep disorders, hygiene and body image, anxiety, etc.
  • sexuality - contraception, STD screening, morning-after pill, pregnancy test, Depo Provera injection, condom distribution, sexual diversity
  • difficult relationships or crisis situations between youth or families
  • health problems such as severe allergies, diabetes or epilepsy
  • vaccinations (if you are 14 or 15 years old).

The school nurse also does health promotion and prevention (group activities in class, kiosk in the school, etc.) and can refer to community organizations or other professionals as needed.

Sexuality ǀ Youth Clinic

You have questions about sexuality, contraception, your love life, or you are pregnant?

Make an appointment at the youth clinic nearest you (free and confidential services, but written parental consent is required for ages 12 and 13).

Consult the Youth Clinic

Sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBI)

If you are sexually active, check out the complete complete STI section to learn more about sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections: chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis B or C, genital herpes, HIV and AIDS, HPV and many others.

Discover the interactive map for screening, free condoms or contraception

First sexual relations

Visit STBBI (gouv.qc.ca) to learn more about first sexual relations, contraception and unwanted pregnancies.

Youth centers (Maison des jeunes)

There are several youth centers in the area. You can meet other young people with whom to discuss, share, connect with, and make new friends.

It's also a place where you can find a sympathetic ear for your concerns, if you feel the need.

Find your Maison des jeunes (French)

Other resources for youth

There are many resources available to help you in different areas of your life, whether it's your psychological health, your physical health, your sexual health, your nutrition, accompaniement for learning disabilities or ADHD, job search, and even housing if necessary. To find out more about them, consult the Help section of the Aire ouverte Estrie web page, which groups them by theme. 

To find out about the range of community resources available in your town according to your needs, call 211 or consult the directory of local social programs and services in Estrie or Brome-Missisquoi sector (Haute-Yamaska and La Pommeraie).  

Useful links

  • Tel-jeunes | Calls, texting, chat with professionals, online resources
  • Kids Help Phone | Call, texting, chat with professionals, online resources
  • Suicide-action : 1-866-APPELLE (1-866-277-3553)
  • Drug Help and Referral: 1-800-265-2626