Resources for Families

To access services available to families, contact your CLSC or Info-Santé/Info-Social 811 or your family doctor.  You have witnessed or you are concerned about a situation regarding a child's safety or development? You can report the situation to the DYP in complete confidentiality.

Throughout your child’s development and for specific cases, our health care and social services professionals are there to help and accompany you. Here is the list of resources available to families.

Founding a Family


Do you plan to adopt a child? The institution provides the services required for adopting a child, be it regular adoption (following post-natal consent), adoption under the Banque mixte program (for children under youth protection) or international adoption (for children born abroad).You can also undertake a reunification initiative to find out about your social and biological history or to reunite with your biological parents and siblings (or with the adoptive parents of your child), where applicable

Baby is coming (pregnancy, giving birth, newborn, and breastfeeding)

Consult the Baby’s Coming section along with the available resources on pregnancy, childbirth and delivery, newborns, and breastfeeding.

Fertility and Assisted Procreation

Do you plan to have a child but are experiencing fertility issues? The fertility clinic located at the Hôpital Fleurimont in Sherbrooke provides comprehensive services related to female and male reproductive health, including assisted reproduction. Click here for the coordinates of the fertility clinic.

Foster Families

Would you like to contribute to the well-being and development of a child or an adolescent in difficulty? Find out how you can become a foster family.

Services for toddlers (0 to 5 years)

Services for toddlers aged 0 to 5 years and their families are an integral part of Agir tôt. The goal is to detect as soon as possible signs of difficulties in the development of children and to refer them quickly to the right services in order to support the development of their full potential and to facilitate their entry into kindergarten.

Agir tôt (child development | monitoring, screening, intervention)

At your child's 18-month immunization appointment, the nurse will assess your child's development and health using the 18-month+ ABCdaire. She will also answer any questions you may have.

If you have concerns about your child's development, contact your CLSC for Agir tôt screening A doctor or a caregiver who works with your child may also suggest that you be referred to these services.

Screening consists of answering questionnaires on your child's developmental areas such as sleep, language, motor skills, social-emotional development, as well as indicators of more specific disorders, such as autism spectrum disorder or global developmental delay. They are available on a digital platform accessible via the Internet. An exchange is planned afterwards with an intervener. The screening allows us to get an overall picture of your child's development and to identify his/her strengths and difficulties.

The earlier your child's difficulties are identified, the sooner he or she will be referred to services adapted to his or her needs.

Feeding and eating habits (nutrition)

If you have concerns or are experiencing a specific problem regarding your child’s eating habits (breastfeeding, difficulties and tantrums at mealtime, refusal to eat certain foods, insufficient weight gain or prematurely overweight, allergies or intolerances, etc.), contact your CLSC

The CLSC worker may refer you to the Agir tôt screening. It is also possible that a doctor or a caregiver who works with your child will ask for your permission to do so.

Here is also a reference site on healthy eating habits.

Language Development (Speech Therapy)

CLSC speech therapists offer advice and recommendations related to a child’s language development.

If you have concerns or are experiencing a particular problem related to your child’s language development (comprehension, pronunciation, hesitation, stuttering, etc.), contact your CLSC

You can also consult the video clips available in the speech therapy section. 

The CLSC worker may refer you to the Agir tôt screening. It is also possible that a doctor or a caregiver who works with your child will ask for your permission to do so.

Global development (occupational and physical therapy)

Occupational therapists and physiotherapists can intervene in case of difficulties related to the child's physical and motor development.

If you have concerns or are experiencing a particular problem related to your child’s development, speak to your family physician or a professional at your family medicine group (FMG) or contact your CLSC

The CLSC worker may refer you to the Agir tôt screening. It is also possible that a doctor or a caregiver who works with your child will ask for your permission to do so.

Fact Sheets | Parents of Children Ages 2-5

Childhood and Youth Services

Attention deficit/hyperactivity (AD/HD)

Are you worried about your child because you have noticed signs indicating that he might have AD/HD (hyperactivity, inattention, impulsivity)? You may be offered a variety of interventions by health care professionals. These interventions will be conducted in collaboration with the health and social services establishment and your child’s school (AD/HD Protocol for Parents) 
  • Speak to the teacher or to an administrator at your child’s school or to your family physician.
  • TDAH Estrie   is an organization that also offers interesting tools. 

Family difficulties and troubled youth

Does the situation affect your mood or emotions and disrupts your well-being or that of your child? Professionals such as a social worker or a psycho-educator can assist you or refer you to the services that correspond to your needs. Contact your CLSC. 

Outside business hours, dial 811 and press 2. 

Examples of difficulties:

  • Aggressive behaviour, running away, tantrums, opposition, behavioural problems 
  • Separation, conflicts and relationships (parent-child, siblings, friends, etc.)
  • Alcohol and drug use, problematic internet use (video games, social networks, etc.)
  • Depression or mood swings
  • Difficulty with school adaptation, anxiety, stress
  • Lifestyle habits (hygiene, diet and sleep)
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Family organization (routines, homework, transitions, etc.)
  • Threats or bullying
  • Loss, bereavement or breakups

In case of a family crisis requiring immediate intervention
Is your child between the ages of 5 and 17 throwing tantrums, breaking things, running away or threatening to run away, exhibiting oppositional or dangerous behaviour? You may be referred to the Crise ado-famille-enfance (CAFE) team  (teen-family-child crisis team) who will help you manage the crisis.

Medical specialists and pediatric outpatient clinics

Do you have any specific concerns regarding your child which you believe would require a follow-up with a medical specialist (cardiology, immunology-allergology, pneumology, pediatric psychiatric, etc.)?

A medical referral is required to access these specialized services

  • Consult your family doctor or schedule an appointment at a clinic.

For a list of pediatric outpatient clinics (e.g. eating disorders, pediatric diabetes, obesity, child psychiatry), click here.

Mental health and psychosis

Are you concerned about your teenager or young adult because you have noticed signs that might indicate a mental health problem? Specific interventions are provided to youth living with mental health problems such as:

  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia)
  • Self-harm or
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Other

Specialized child psychiatry services are offered to young people who are experiencing significant mental health difficulties, upon referral. The team is composed of child psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, psychoeducators, etc.

Speak to your family physician or a professional at your family medicine group (FMG) or contact your CLSC. 

First psychotic episode (psychosis): if a young person between the ages of 12 and 35 appears to be talking in a bizarre and disjointed manner, having inappropriate, exaggerated or unrealistic emotions, or having bizarre preoccupations and unusual behaviours, specialized, accessible and rapid intervention services are available throughout our territory. Contact the team: 1 888 440-4559

Physical impairments, intellectual impairments, and autism spectrum disorders (ASD)

Are you concerned with your child’s development because you have noticed signs that lead you to wonder whether he has physical or intellectual impairment or autism spectrum disorder (ASD)? Professionals can assist you and assess the situation and your needs. When necessary, the same professionals can refer you to the appropriate services.

Sexuality (youth clinic)

Consultations for sexual health at the youth clinic may be obtained for youth and young adults aged 12 to 25 years. The youth can meet a physician or a nurse to receive care, information or assistance. These services are free and confidential. Written parental consent is required for youth aged 12 and 13. 

Examples of youth requirements: 

  • Pregnancy test
  • Screening for sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (STBBIs) and free condoms
  • Questions regarding sexual orientation
  • Prescriptions for contraceptive pills and information on birth control methods
  • Menstrual cramps, acne


Vaccination remains the most effective public health initiative, and its safe use continues to make it one of the best preventive measures.   Consult the Vaccination and Immunization section to learn more. You can also visit the Travel Clinic section. 

Interventions auprès de votre enfant

Les intervenants jeunesse ont conçu un circuit parent-enfant et parent-ado pour vous accompagner dans les interventions auprès de votre enfant. Consultez-le dès maintenant pour mettre en application certaines stratégies proposées.

Community Interventions

Neighbourhood Interventions (Jardins-Fleuris and Ascot neighbourhoods – Sherbrooke)

Neighbourhood workers will offer locally adapted services to the neighbourhood population. For example, people going through a difficult family situation can seek psychosocial assistance. Those who need help to fill out a request for social assistance can also ask the neighbourhood workers for help.  A nurse, a psycho-educator, and a social worker are on site for families living in the neighbourhood. Jardins-Fleuris neighbourhood785 des Pivoines  , apartments 1 and 2. Ascot neighbourhood1945 des Grands-Monts, apartments 8 and A Bébé Trucs workshop is held every last Thursday of the month from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. 

Positive intervention in educational childcare centres and schools

The psychosocial workers of the Direction de santé publique guidance and support to offer educational childcare centres and schools in planning and implementing positive interventions. The goal: promote positive mental health and develop the child's socioemotional skills. How? Through tools and workshops on different themes:

  • Positive discipline
  • Brain development and emotional maturity
  • Attachment bond
  • Family-school bond

What is positive intervention?
It’s a developmental approach that relies on a strong adult–youth relationship. Specifically, it’s about creating conditions that allow the youth to develop their potential and emotional maturity, which will influence their behavior and social interactions. 

You want to know how to establish a strong relationship with a youth, based on attachment, kindness, empathy and healthy firmness, so that they can develop their emotional maturity? Check out these resources listed by topic.


Social Pediatrics

Family physicians and partnering pediatricians offer services to children in several neighbourhoods of the local services networks (RLS) of Sherbrooke, Memphrémagog, Haute-Yamaska, and de La Pommeraie.

Enquire directly with them to obtain their coordinates and to find out more about their services.

Preventive dental care services

Dental hygienists educate and demonstrate oral hygiene practises to children, and apply fluoride and dental sealant to children who are vulnerable to cavities. Enquire with your school for further information.

School nursing services

School nurses from the institution are present at primary and secondary schools. They promote healthy lifestyle habits and responsible and healthy sexuality, take care of vaccinations, and assess the health status of children and adolescents when needed. Enquire with your school for further information.

Resources offered by community organizations

To learn more about the community resources available for your needs in your area, dial 211. 

You can also consult the directory of programs and social services for Estrie   (including Haute-Yamaska) and Brome-Missisquoi (La Pommeraie).

Visit also our page

Links of interest
